
Articles Posted in Birth Injury


Are hospitals trying to avoid paying for birth injuries?

A lot can go wrong with a newborn during the delivery process. Birth injuries are sadly more common than many might suspect. Sometimes, the newborn’s family pursues a medical malpractice claim against the health care professionals and/or the facility that caused the injury. These lawsuits can result in massive verdicts, and…


Study reveals that birth injury is common danger nationwide

When parents are preparing to welcome a new baby into the household, they make the necessary preparations and try to find reliable prenatal care to detect any possible complications. Maryland parents may not be aware that about one in every 200 children suffer serious birth injury in the United States. A…


Permanent disability for Maryland babies born with a birth injury

Birth experiences vary from woman to woman and can end in joy or in total devastation. Most parents are prepared in advance should their child need medical intervention immediately after birth and throughout childhood. They have time to prepare themselves and their families. Some Maryland deliveries take a turn for…


Birth injuries due to negligence can disable a child for life

Expecting a child is often a wonderful and highly anticipated event for the parents and other family members. Preparations for the new arrival begin to take place almost immediately. Picking out baby names, nursery colors and choosing a doctor to see the family through the pregnancy and safely deliver the…

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