
Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation


Workers’ compensation benefits for surviving family members

Maryland employees and their employers understand the importance of keeping safety at the forefront while working on the job. Many laws have been put into place to protect not only the workers, but also the companies they work for. When a job-related injury or death occurs, victims and their families…


Maryland workers’ compensation increases with repeated claims

Workplace injuries occur, especially in the manufacturing and construction sector. Most employers have in place standards, policies and procedures, and workplace training to help keep their employees safe. Some companies refuse to spend the extra time and money to invest in the necessary devices and training to help ensure that…


Survivors benefits through Maryland workers’ compensation

Employer’s and their workers understand the importance of safety on the job site. Many laws are in place to protect not only the employees but the companies and employers they work for. Should an on-the-job injury or fatality occur, the Maryland workers’ compensation insurance program is in place to help families…


Inappropriate training and Maryland workers’ compensation

Every job has a certain amount of risk for injury associated with it. Injuries that can keep employees from completing their duties can range from mental issues to physical ailments, both which have the possibility of hampering one’s ability to work or live a normal life. When a worker is injured…


Maryland workers’ compensation for those injured while on the job

Most Maryland business owners understand the importance of implementing and following safety procedures and protocols. Employee safety and the ability to feel safe and valued at work is important in keeping morale and productivity up. Some employers however, refuse to heed the laws and regulations set forth with regard to…


Workers’ compensation death benefits for Maryland residents

A workplace injury can have serious repercussions on Maryland employees and their families. Medical bills can begin to pile up, and lost wages continue to increase the gap between money coming in and going out. In the most serious situations, some workers can never return to work, and others may lose…


Repeated violations spike Maryland workers’ compensation claims

Working with one’s hands in the field as a skilled laborer has been one of demand with every construction boom. Along with the increasing need for new locations to house, feed and clothe Maryland residents, the workers’ compensation insurance program has seen an increase in claims due to on-the-job injury.…

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