
Another explosion causes serious injury

Maryland residents probably recall recent headlines about a residential gas explosion that caused death, horrific injuries and substantial damage to personal property. Now, in what seems an unfathomable turn of events, an eerily similar explosion occurred in Northwest Baltimore. Authorities on the scene reported that multiple victims suffered serious injury. 

The explosion is currently under investigation. The gas utility company that services the affected property stated that there was no reason to suspect that the utility company could have prevented the explosion. Representatives say that property owners and customers are responsible for all equipment at the residence. According to the statement, there had been no indication of trouble, and there had been no emergency service calls to the property in over a year. 

The explosion rocked the quiet residential area, and the blast and subsequent fires destroyed or damaged several homes. At least five victims were seriously injured, including an expectant mother and two young children. Investigators are trying to determine what could have caused the explosion, and they have not yet determined what party will be held liable for the devastation. 

When the unthinkable happens, victims who have suffered serious injury may feel helpless. Medical bills, loss of wages due to inability to work, loss of personal property and other financial burdens can make an already difficult ordeal overwhelming. A Maryland victim who is considering legal action against a party at fault may want to reach out to an attorney that has experience handling personal injury cases. An attorney can help a client use the legal system to seek justice and recover applicable compensation for suffering in a court of law. 

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