Research discovers some conditions linked to brain injury

Medical researchers dedicate themselves to finding new ways to help people suffering from serious conditions. Even with advances in technology and diagnostic methods, a serious brain injury may still carry a lot of unknowns. The latest discovery may revolutionize the way medical professionals help patients recover. 

It has been known for some time that persons that previously suffered a traumatic brain injury may subsequently suffer from the onset of various mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder or depression. With this knowledge, researchers set out to learn the exact correlation between the conditions, and how to predict what long-term conditions an individual patient can expect to face. Maryland brain injury patients may be interested to learn about how a head injury can potentially prevent the individual from ever fully recovering. 

A new study shows that a blood test can reveal the presence of a neurofilament, referred to as a biomarker. This particular biomarker is commonly present when nerve cells are damaged or destroyed. Increased levels of this biomarker are an indication that a person might develop significant mental health conditions. 

This latest research provides solid medical evidence that a victim of a severe brain injury can use to prove that the injury was not merely a “bump on the head,” but a potentially life-changing and lasting ailment. If a Maryland victim suffered such an injury at the hands of another party, he or she can consult a knowledgeable attorney regarding legal recourse against the party believed to have been at fault. An attorney can help a client seek justice in court, and a favorable verdict can potentially result in a monetary award that can help a victim pay medical bills, seek proper rehabilitation services and cover lost wages due to inability to work. 

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