
Traumatic brain injury and the myths that surround it

Traumatic brain injury is a serious medical condition with an occurrence that is eight times higher than AIDS, breast cancer, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis combined. As most Maryland residents know, this condition has been a widely-discussed topic in current affairs. As is often typical of popular topics, there are a slew of myths that surround traumatic brain injury, or TBI.

One of the first misconceptions is that someone cannot contract TBI if they have not lost consciousness. This issue has been debated in the past, but, in the light of many recent advancements in the assessment and treatment of TBI, a majority of health professionals agree that TBI presents differently in different cases. Thus, the consensus is that a person does not have to become unconscious to be diagnosed with a TBI.

Another misconception is that, after an impact or blast, if a person acts okay then he or she probably did not sustain a TBI.  While this is possible, it is also possible that someone who has sustained a TBI could not only remain conscious, but he or she could be walking, talking and acting normally. Even though there might not be any external signs of damage, massive internal damage could still have occurred. This can result in long-term neurological, as well as psychological, issues.

A traumatic brain injury is a serious injury with possibly long-term consequences. If a person in Maryland thinks that he, she or a loved one has received a traumatic brain injury, they should seek the help of a medical professional immediately as well as consult an experienced attorney who is knowledgeable about brain injury cases. An attorney can help assess whether an individual has a case and explain the process of pursuing compensation from the responsible party whose negligent action led to the TBI.

Source:, “10 myths about traumatic brain injury,” Pamela Holtz, June 9, 2015

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