
There are three types of distractions when driving. Does texting encompass all three?

Many people in are issued a company cell phone at their job, so they can make and receive calls even when they are not in the office. While some workers may find this a convenience or even a perk, others may resent being “on-call” all the time. Either way, there is one time when you should ignore the ringing of your company cell phone — when you are driving.

The dangers of texting and driving

While any cell phone use behind the wheel can be distracting, culminating in a car crash, texting and driving is especially dangerous as it encompasses all three forms of distraction.

  • If you are reading or sending a text message, you are visually distracted because your eyes are on your phone, not the road.
  • If you are answering or sending a text message, you are manually distracted because your hands are on your phone not the wheel of the car.
  • Finally, if you are reading a text message and thinking of how to respond, you are cognitively distracted because your attention is on the text message not the task of driving.

Given this, it is easy to see why texting and driving can lead to a motor vehicle accident.

Other forms of distractions

Cell phone use is not the only way a person can be distracted while driving. Eating while driving, tuning the music or climate control, manipulating a GPS system, “rubbernecking” to see something on the side of the road, and grooming while behind the wheel can all be distracting, leading to a car accident.

Learn more about car accidents

When you are in an accident caused by a distracted driver, you could suffer serious injuries. It is important to hold distracted drivers responsible for their negligence. Our firm’s webpage on distracted driving accidents may be a good resource for those who want to learn more about their rights and options in such situations.


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