
Study reveals that birth injury is common danger nationwide

When parents are preparing to welcome a new baby into the household, they make the necessary preparations and try to find reliable prenatal care to detect any possible complications. Maryland parents may not be aware that about one in every 200 children suffer serious birth injury in the United States. A recent study aims to shed light on new treatments for these tiny victims. 

One of the most common forms of birth injury is brachial plexus injury. The symptoms of this injury are much like the symptoms of cerebral palsy, with which children can be born. Sadly, such a serious birth injury can lead to a lifetime of suffering and irreparable physical limitations, because muscle contractions associated with the condition cause bones to form improperly, causing worsening pain and immobility over time. 

There is no cure for these serious birth injuries, and most children with such a diagnosis undergo many surgeries and treatments as they grow, and many come to rely on medical equipment like a power chair or lift. Recently, researchers believe they have discovered a new drug that seems to greatly reduce the muscle contractions that gradually cause this damage. Unfortunately, at this time, it has only been tested on mice. Researchers hope this is a breakthrough that will help thousands of babies each year, but it will be some time until studies are complete enough to suggest this new drug for newborns. 

If a child suffers a birth injury, parents can go through many emotions. One minute, they may be overjoyed at their new little bundle of joy, and in the next moment be frightened or angry at the suffering the child may face for his or her entire life. If a child was not born with a pre-existing condition, but was injured during the birthing process, the medical facility, doctor or nurse may be legally responsible. A parent may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of juggling a court case and adjusting to a new baby, but the good news is a compassionate attorney can lend a hand with the legal process and help a Maryland family collect any monetary award a judge may deem appropriate to partially compensate for an infant’s suffering. 

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