
Student suffers head injury after brawl with teacher

Maryland parents may be able to attest to the fact that, sometimes, children, especially teens, can exhibit behavior that adults find frustrating. Even when a child becomes unruly, adults must not allow the situation to escalate to physical violence. While parents may have firsthand experience with trying teen behavior, a recent incident at school left one student with a reportedly severe head injury

The trouble began inside a Maryland classroom. One of the students, a 17-year-old female, became unruly during class and brushed past her teacher, intentionally stepping on her foot. While certainly this was an unacceptable affront on the part of the young lady, her teacher responded with even worse judgement when she came to blows with the teen girl. 

A video that captured the physical altercation was recently leaked to the public. The teacher in question is seen exchanging blows with the girl. It took at least three people to break up the fight, and the girl was hit so hard she reportedly lost consciousness and suffered loss of vision; she is also suspected to have suffered severe brain injury. The teacher was removed and charged with assault. 

Head injury victims are often unable to fully recover. Lingering damage from head trauma can be chronic. If the injury was caused by another party, a victim may have legal recourse. If the victim is a minor, parents or guardians may want to contact a reputable attorney. An attorney can help a victim seek justice in a court of law and recoup any damages or compensation to which the victim may be entitled. 

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