
Report shows workplace accident numbers in Maryland

A report recently published by the union federation AFL-CIO offers statistics related to workplace injuries and fatalities in Maryland. Specifically, the report, titled “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect,” took a look at the number of work-related injuries and deaths in the U.S. in 2011, and Maryland came in at number nine on the list of states with the fewest work-related deaths.

Maryland’s workplace fatality rate that year was 2.6 deaths per 100,000 employees. That means 71 Maryland workers died that year because of work-related injuries or illness.

In fact, the statistics reflect that not much has changed in the last few years in terms of improving workplace safety. If you look at all industries in 2011, you’ll find that 3.8 million people were injured or made ill on the job, and 4,693 people died because of job-related injuries. The numbers for 2010 actually indicate a slight increase of workplace fatalities in 2011.

Maryland’s AFL-CIO president had this to say: “Too many people are dying on the job right here in Maryland and a lot of work still needs to be done to ensure that no worker fears for his or her health and well-being on the job.”

“A good job,” he added, “is not defined only by the absence of physical danger.” He pointed out that “respect, dignity, good wages, healthcare and opportunities to grow and to give back to one’s community” should also be features of the workplace.

When Maryland workers are injured on the job, it’s important that they receive the full amount of workers’ compensation that is due. Employers and insurance companies are often slow in responding to a worker’s claim, or the claim is denied. Employees who are faced with these obstacles may want to meet with an attorney with experience in handling workers’ compensation claims.

Source:, “Despite ranking as ninth safest state, 71 workers died on the job in Maryland,” May 14, 2013

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