
Patient suffers stroke, medical malpractice alleged

Many Maryland residents seek the help of medical professionals every day for treatments for health problems. In most of these instances, the medical help they receive ensures that the patients are able to return to their previous levels of health, functioning and overall well-being. However, in the cases in which mistakes or negligence occur on the part of the medical professionals or facilities, unfortunately the patients’ health may be compromised, and they may be injured or killed. In these cases, the patients or their families may seek to file medical malpractice suits.

An out-of-state woman recently filed one such suit. She is suing an out-of-state physician, as well as the hospital in which the physician practices. She alleges that negligent medical practices lead her to suffer a stroke.

According to her complaint, in March of 2014, the woman was a patient at the hospital and was being treated by the physician. The suit alleges that the defendants exercised a negligent standard of care in that they failed to offer a timely diagnosis and treatment for hypoglycemia, failed to order any lab tests while she was admitted and failed to determine what caused her stroke, so that treatment of the underlying cause could be provided in order to prevent further injury. The suit says that, as a result, the patient suffered a stroke that went untreated for several hours.

When patients suffer serious injuries that resulted from health care professionals’ negligence, the victims have the legal right to pursue medical malpractice lawsuits against the responsible parties. When these kinds of suits are successfully navigated, they may result in monetary judgments awarded to the victims for damages sustained. Medical malpractice victims in Maryland often begin this process by consulting experienced personal injury attorneys to assess the validity of their claims.

Source:, “Patient sues Glenview hospital, physician, alleging medical malpractice“, Robbie Hargett, Sept. 30, 2015

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