
Maryland birth injuries could lead to millions in lawsuit payouts

The impending birth of a child is a time of great excitement. Crossing off the items on the baby registry, planning the nursery and picking out names are just a few things that many new Maryland parents do to help pass the time and prepare for the newest member of the family. It is also a time of great worry, hoping and questioning if the baby is okay. When concerns arise and the family seeks medical advice and hospital evaluation, they worry about possibly delivering a child who may suffer from multiple birth injuries, but don’t expect medical staff to delay care and possibly cause some of those injuries, which may have been preventable.

A woman from another state was 37 weeks pregnant at the time she noticed less movement from her unborn baby and was seen by her chosen obstetrician. The obstetrician was concerned enough to send the woman over to labor and delivery for evaluation, as he had confirmed the worries of the mom-to-be regarding decreased fetal movement. Upon arrival, the woman was checked over by nurses, who were also extremely worried about the lack of movement by the child.

Nurses informed the attending physician in labor and delivery of the unborn child’s decreased movement and worrisome fetal results. The doctor did not physically see the patient for another three hours. Upon his examination, it was then necessary for an emergency C-section to retrieve the distressed child. The baby was born with multiple permanent injuries.

When a child is born with issues that will require years of medical intervention and care, the cost can be insurmountable to families. The devastation and anger when the birth injuries could have possibly been avoided or lessened with proper medical care can make the situation even more tragic. Should anyone in Maryland deliver a child who has suffered birth injuries at the hands of a medical professional or entity, there may be legal action that can be taken to help cover the costs that will surely follow. A seasoned family law attorney with a background in claims regarding birth injuries can help a family navigate through a tough and emotional case. Monies that may be awarded can help the family ensure that their child receives the best of care.

Source:, “U.S. ordered to pay half of Temple hospital’s $8 million birth injury settlement“, Marie Mccullough, April 17, 2017

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