
Brain injury victims more likely to experience homelessness

Maryland is a state residents can be proud to call home, but it is not without its share of the social problems experienced across the nation. Even when the economy is relatively stable and the job market is plentiful, homelessness remains a growing concern for millions of Americans. Hard-working people often live paycheck to paycheck, and when a tragedy — like suffering a traumatic brain injury — occurs, a victim may find him- or herself unable to keep up with the cost of living. 

Statistics estimate that there are over 1 million homeless people in developed nations worldwide, and over 500,000 of them live in the United States. Researchers dedicated time to canvassing the homeless population in an attempt to better understand their plight. Now, these researchers believe they have discovered a correlation between brain injury and homelessness. 

Their painstaking research suggests that, among the homeless community, individuals are 10 times more likely to have suffered a brain injury than persons who have a roof over their heads. The social scientists need to gather more data to better understand this shocking revelation, but they now believe that symptoms that often follow a brain injury, like confusion, physical pain and blurred vision, may directly affect an individual’s ability to earn a living. If a victim cannot hold a job down, the days and weeks following a brain injury may get progressively more difficult to manage. 

If a Maryland resident has suffered a brain injury, he or she may want to take legal action against the party responsible before it’s too late. Medical bills, living expenses and long-term care are costly and can pile up fast. A victim experiencing symptoms of such an injury may have a difficult time preparing for court on his or her own, but fortunately, a plaintiff has the option to allow a knowledgeable attorney to lead the charge toward justice. 

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