
Big changes on the horizon for medical malpractice cases

Veteran’s Day recently passed, and Maryland residents were once again honored the sacrifices brave men and women in the armed forces have made to protect the freedoms and liberties that make our nation great. With this in mind, people might be shocked to learn that a Supreme Court ruling prevents veterans from filing medical malpractice claims against the government for conditions suffered as a result of military service. What many consider to be an unfair ruling may soon change because one brave veteran continues to fight for others from his deathbed. 

Richard Stayskal served with the Green Berets, an elite Army unit. He is now dying of lung cancer. He fights on to try to change the law preventing veterans from filing medical malpractice lawsuits because he claims that during his time in the service, doctors neglected to tell him that he had lung cancer, and as a result he didn’t find out about the disease until it was too late. 

Lawmakers and advocates want to change pass a law that allows veterans to file medical malpractice lawsuits in similar situations. It is not yet decided how long a veteran victim will have to take legal action, and sadly the legislation will probably not be changed in time to help Richard Stayskal. His plight has called attention to the injustice regarding veterans and medical malpractice, and advocates hope to see legal action taken to protect people that bravely protected the United States. 

Though the spotlight is on veterans, anyone can become the victim of medical malpractice. Each year, hundreds of Maryland patients endure unnecessary suffering due to the careless or negligent actions of medical professionals. Victims that want to seek justice can consult an attorney. An attorney can help a victim, or the victim’s surviving family in the event he or she dies, to pursue a claim against the party believed responsible. 

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