
A construction site accident could happen at any time

Even with the right safety standards in place, a construction site accident could happen at any time. This is why all construction workers, regardless of position, need to be on the lookout for trouble.

Here are some of the most common causes of construction accidents:

  • Slip-and-fall. Some of these occur at height, such as on scaffolding, while others occur on the ground. Regardless of where you are standing when a slip-and-fall occurs, it can result in a serious injury.
  • Falling objects. An object that falls from above, such as off a roof, has the potential to strike a person who is standing below. If this happens, a serious head, neck and/or back injury is likely.
  • Equipment accident. If you have spent any time on a construction site, you know that there are many types of equipment in use. From power tools to vehicles, this equipment helps complete the job in an efficient manner. Unfortunately, it can also cause an accident.
  • Fires and explosions. There are many causes, such as leaking pipes, exposed wiring and the use of flammable chemicals in an inappropriate manner.
  • Repetitive motion injury. This is the result of doing the same job, day after day. For instance, if you’re always lifting heavy items, it could result in a repetitive motion injury to your shoulder or elbow.

You should do your best to prevent a construction site accident, but if you find yourself in trouble it’s time to turn your attention to the steps you can take to stabilize your situation.

This starts with calling for medical help, as you want to receive immediate treatment for your injuries. Once you do this, make sure your employer has a clear understanding of your accident and your injuries.

If your medical team tells you to stay away from work for an extended period of time, don’t ignore this advice. You should file a workers’ compensation claim with the idea that you can receive money until you’re able to once again do your job. This will give you the financial assistance necessary to get by during this challenging time.

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